Mr Abdoul Dieng

Abdoul Dieng has over 25 years of experience in communication and advocacy for public health, with a particular focus on Africa. He uses public communication for political and social influence on complex development issues. He has facilitated the development of strategic partnerships with governments and a wide range of other stakeholders.

Abdoul has served over the last two years as Senior Policy Advisor to the African Union Special Envoy for the African Medicines Agency (AMA), supporting his efforts to accelerate the ratification of the AMA Treaty. He is also a Senior Advisor with MSAS Advisory Services, an innovation accelerator platform working with governments, private sector and civil society to promote global health security and diplomacy. 

Abdoul previously worked for the United Nations, as UNAIDS Chief, policy coordination, Senior Advisor to the Executive Director and Liaison to the African Union and the UN Economic Commission for Africa. He also served as UNDP Public Information Officer for France and UNICEF Communication Officer in Côte d’Ivoire.

A native from Côte d’Ivoire, his qualifications include an MBA/communication, and his professional training has included leadership, negotiation techniques and project management.